Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Lesson Plan (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran) momentum and impulse (momentum dan impuls)


  1. Identity

SCHOOL                                            : SMA ---        

SUBJECT                                           : PHYSICS

CLASS / PROGRAMME                     : XI / SAINS

SEMESTER / YEAR                           : ODD / 2011
MEETING                                          : First
ALLOCATIAON OF TIME                 : 2 X 45 MINUTE
1.  Analyze the nature phenomenon and regularity in point object mechanics inclusion
BASIC COMPETENCE                    :
1.1    Shows the relationship between the concepts of impulse and momentum to resolve the collision
1.      Formulate the concept of impulse and momentum, the relationship between them, and their application in daily life
2.      Formulate the law of momentum conservation and its applications in daily life
3.      Integrate the law of energy conservation and law of momentum conservation for the collision events
  1. Learning Objectives    :
      Students are able :
1.      Describe the concept of momentum
2.      Describe the concept of impulse
3.      Describe the relationship of momentum and impulse
4.      Applying a few examples of the concept of momentum and impulse in daily life
5.      Formulate the law of momentum conservation
6.      Applying a few examples of the legal concept of momentum conservation in daily life
  1. Learning Materials      :
1.      Sense of Momentum and Impulse
§  Momentum is the product of the body’s mass and its velocity. The SI unit of momentum is kg.m/s. The direction of momentum is the same with the direction of its velocity.
p = m.v
§  Impulse is the product of force and transformation of time or momentum changing. The SI unit of impulse is N.s or kg.m/s.
I = F.∆t           or         I = ∆p
2.   Law of Momentum Conservation
    • Law of Momentum Conservation is the sum of momentum before collision equals  to the sum of momentum after collision
3.      Collision
    • Completely Elastic Collision
    • Completely Inelastic Collision
    • Inelastic Collision

D.    Learning Method        :
     Model         : Informative
     Method      : Discussion, Answer-question
E.     Learning Activities
a.       Preliminary
Activities of Teacher
Activities of Student
Memberikan motivasi dengan memberikan beberapa contoh pelajaran fisika dengan manfaat dalam kehiduan sehari - hari  
Responding by give another examples which in accordance with experience
b.      Core Activities
Activities of Teacher
Activities of Student
Convey the information about sense of impulse and momentum, law of momentum conservation and collision then its examples in daily life
Responding by ask questions which in accordance with the submitted materials
Giving some questions in the form of questions related to the material that has been delivered
Answering the questions which in accordance to his experience
Discussion  of answers from the questions that have been submitted
Responding with a discussion

c.       Final Activities
Activities of Teacher
Activities of Student
Together the students draw the conclusions and recall the materials that have been learned

F.      Learning Resources
1.   Buku Penuntun Belajar Fisika, Penerbit Sagufindo Kinarya
2.   Seribu Pena Fisika SMA untuk kelas 2, Marthen Kanginan, Penerbit Erlangga
3.   Asas – asas Fisika SMA kelas 2, Bambang Purwanto, Yudistira

G.    Equipment and Materials
1.      Media power point presentation of physics
H.    Appraisal
1.      Reward for students who work on the problems on the board correctly
2.      Task
I.       Test
1.      A body that has a mass of 20 kg is hit by a force of 60 N. If the force is working for 0,2 s, the impulse working on the body is ….
2.      A marble with mass of 200 g is sliding on a smooth floor with velocity of 20 m/s. The magnitude of momentum of the marble is ….
3.      Someone with mass of 40 kg is standing on the skate board, mass is 2 kg and is moving with a speed of 10 m/s. If he is suddenly jumping forward with velocity of 4 m/s white the skate board keeps running, the magnitude of the skate board velocity is ….  

                                                                                    Batu, _ March 2012
Head of SMA ---                                                        Teacher of Physic

Drs. Hasan Bashri,                                                      Muchamad Munir Cholis,S.Pd
NIP. 09040107001000                                               NPM. 090401070070

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